Workshop for idea generation about atmospheric pressure plasma.
Idea generation workshop (Creative Lab, Minase Innovation Center)
A workshop with other companies was held at the Creative Lab, an open space in the Innovation Center. Various ideas for atmospheric pressure plasma were discussed.
What is “P2” (atmospheric pressure plasma)?
P2=“P2” is an acronym for Pulse Plasma, which is a discharge method that has succeeded in generating stable plasma under atmospheric pressure, which could only be obtained in a vacuum. Since the establishment of this technology, we have delivered many products mainly to the flat-panel display industry. In recent years, we have been considering the expansion of our atmospheric pressure plasma business into various fields in order to achieve further growth.
Among these, we are currently focusing our efforts on “Pidi”, an atmospheric pressure plasma periodontal disease treatment device for veterinary use. We have obtained approval from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for the effectiveness of this product, and are taking various measures to expand our business. We are developing various measures as a trump card for business expansion.
For more information about P2, click here.
Our product lineup includes the AP-T spot-type atmospheric pressure plasma system, the RD roll direct plasma system for film surface treatment, and many others.
For more information on atmospheric plasma, from basic knowledge to application-specific solutions, please click here for more information.
For more information, click here.