747WT(double-faced tape)

747WT is recommended tape by NYG (Japan Fiber Reinforced Cement Sidings Manufacturers Association)

●It can use in wide range of temperature from -10℃〜60℃ .
●It is easy to cut by hands.
●The workplace and hands are not stained because of the Acrylic adhesion.
  • Building / Infrastructure

No.740は住宅開口部や継ぎ目の気密工事などに使われるアクリル系気密防水テープです。テープの引き出しが軽く、手切れ性に非常に優れるので、作業性を改善することができます。また、粘着力、密着安定性、耐久性などの性能について、NYG の推奨認定を受けています。

Sealing joints in moisture permeable/waterproof sheets, thermal insulation boards & flooring
Waterproofing gaps around window frames & air vents etc.


  • It is easy to cut by hands.
  • The workplace and hands are not stained because of the Acrylic adhesion.
  • Compared with butyl tape, these tapes' adhesive power is not susceptible to temperature changes, making it possible to remain stable adhesion.
  • Airtight waterproof tape (D/S and single faced tape) can use in wide range of temperature from -10℃〜60℃ .

Staining by butyl tape(competitor's)

Easy cut

The tapes can be cut more easily and more smoothly by hands than butyl one, which improves workability.