ミクロパール - 機能性微粒子
  • ミクロパール - 機能性微粒子
  • ミクロパール - 機能性微粒子2

Functional fine particles - Micropearl Series -

Spacer for smart film / glass
  • Mobility
  • Electronics

Gap filler & Adhesion
Product category Design/Comfortable

Functional fine particles - Micropearl Series -

Growing need for smart film / glass

Smart film and glass are increasingly adopted for automobile exteriors to meet the growing needs for privacy and heat control inside the vehicle, as well as for the convenience of being able to instantly toggle heat on and off.
Smart film and glass are required to have several functions such as contrast, switching speed, applicability to curved surfaces, and durability.

Shade open (transparent state)

Stabilization of dimming function by gap control

The Micropearl series offers functional fine particles with a uniform particle size distribution to serve a variety of functions required for smart film and glass. Uniform particle size distribution and a low percentage of large particles enable uniform gap control. The series is highly flexible and elastic, preventing circuit board damage and particle migration. Excellent resistance to voltage, heat, and chemicals ensures high reliability even in high-temperature and high-humidity environments.
The series offers a diverse lineup of Colours, hardness, and particle sizes to achieve precise gap control. The black variation prevents light from escaping through the particles to improve the contrast of smart film and glass. Processing such as metal coating enables the series to meet various needs.

Shade open (dimmed state)

Technical information

Technical information

Technical overview

  Uniform particle size distribution 

  • Uniform gap control
  • Reduced large particle leading to the mitigation of surface irregularities.

  Soft and elastic

  • Substrate damage prevention
  • Particle movement prevention

  Blackness and shading

  • Excellent light shading
  • Contrast improvement of smart film

  A wide range of options

  • Many series (Colour, Hardness, Particles size)
  • A variety of metal types available to carter to your specific requirements.

Technical details

Uniform particle size distribution

Low Cv High Cv
Inhibits particle migration Particle migration is easy to occur

 Soft and elastic

Capable of stress relief without compromising substrate integrity.

 Blackness and shading

Co-polymer particles with black pigment dispersed, excellent for light shielding properties and resistance to exudation and corrosion.
Excellent heat resistance and anti-corrosion product can be used in wider range of applications.
Light transmittance exists
Reduction of light transmision

 A wide range of options

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Catalog:Functional fine particles - Micropearl Series -_SekisuiMobilitySolution Catalog pdf 2023-09-11 Download1.02 MB